
Ink Lovers Tattoo Training Academy

Nowadays almost everyone dreams to be a tattoo artist or a permanent makeup artist. But very few know that inking a permanent tattoo or performing a permanent makeup procedure is no less than carrying out minor surgery. Drawing art on paper is easy until you have to draw the art on real skin.

Becoming a tattoo and permanent makeup artist is very challenging, but this challenge was accepted by Shrushti Gandhi many years ago which rewarded her in the form of the first award-winning female tattoo artist of Gujarat, after which she decided to not only provide her artistic services to others but also to train the people who wanted to start their career in tattooing industry which resulted in the establishment of Ink Lovers Tattoo Studio.

The Ink Lovers Tattoo Studio provides professional tattoo and permanent makeup training under the guidance of none other than Shrushti Gandhi herself. During the training sessions, the hygiene and safety levels are maintained at their best. The needles which are used for one customer are never used for the other client, the used needles are disposed with the utmost care.

The training sessions are conducted in four stages, the theoretical session, projection session, observation session and practical session. Here, our education quality is never compromised as our observation rooms are equipped with completely latest tattooing appliances so that the students can be completely aware of the tools. At the end of the course, we provide a government-approved certificate to the students which helps them in starting their careers as an artist.